La DOUBLE CLEANSING is a cleansing technique that originated historically in Japan and Korea and involves the combined use of two facial cleansing products to make the removal of impurities from the skin even more effective. Double Cleansing originates in the past to remove the scenic makeup, consisting of multiple overlapping layers, used by Geisha.

When it comes to cleansing, thoughts quickly turn to Korean skincare, but the ultimate cosmetic meaning of a Double Cleansing is that of effective, deep yet gentle cleansing. It is therefore also safely applicable to Western daily skincare concepts.
Usable by all skin types, both morning and evening, its most reasoned use is definitely at the end of the day. In this way, the two cleansers synergize to remove make-up residue, but also atmospheric pollution particulates and any surface bacterial growths.
Here are three different offerings of DOUBLE DETERTION where the focus is deep cleansing, soothing, protecting, balancing and sanitizing.
In this customized and signed Double Cleansing. Hino Natural Skincare, the basic cleanser is OVAL-GUARD WASHING GEL; depending on the needs of the case, it will then be possible to choose the second cleanser to match.
✓ ideal for removing the most persistent make-up and for very dry skin.
✓ for restorative cleaning (FILLOIL®) and deep at the same time (OVAL-GUARD WASHING GEL).
✓ provides refreshment to the skin barrier with the comfort typical of a caressing vegetable oil.
✓ ideal for reddened or sensitized skin.
✓ for a soothing and calming cleansing action (GENTLE NUTRA MILK) and protective at the same time (OVAL-GUARD WASHING GEL).
✓ Ideal in case of mixed or sebaceous skin.
✓ for a protective cleansing action (OVAL-GUARD WASHING GEL) with rebalancing and hydrolipidic film-friendly actives (COMBINATION CLEANSING LOTION).
✓ Free of rebound effect.
Remember: during the night the skin works just like a small science laboratory! Take care of it!

Green Remedies S.p.a.
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35129 Padova
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Tel: +39-049-8647877
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